
Notre pays vient d'adopter une nouvelle politique nationale de la population qui met un accent particulier sur la création de la demande et le renforcement de l'offre de services de planification familiale pour réduire la fécondité et lutter contre les décès maternels évitables.
Ces actions vont de pair avec des stratégies de maintien des filles à l'école et d'autonomisation des femmes et d'a,élioration de notre capital humaim en vue de favoriser la capture du dividende démographique.
Achieve Zero Maternal Deaths - Sustained Midwives Service Scheme with recruitment of additional 1,586 midwives annually to achieve increase in Skilled Birth Attendance from 38% to 70% by 2030; Apportion 10% of the N55.1 billion “Basic Health Care Provision Fund” (BHCPF) for maternal and child health care package - including free maternal care for all mothers in rural areas, 4 ANC visits, delivery (including C/S), two Post-Natal Care visits; fully implement the Strategic Roadmap to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal and Neo-natal Mortality; Sustain the National Task Shifting and Task Sharing Policy; Continued Conditional Cash Transfers for maternal and Child Health for rural and humanitarian populations.
Achieve Zero unmet need for family planning – increased annual allocation from $3 to $4 million annually from 2018 for procurement of modern contraceptive; provide free family planning information, counseling and services to all women in public health facilities; implement revised national Blueprint Scale-up Plan for family planning for improved funding for family planning commodities and consumables; implement age appropriate SRH information, counseling and services for adolescents and youths.
Achieve Zero gender-based violence and harmful practices against women, girls and youth – Implement National Strategic Plan to end Child Marriage; Act on Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP) at all levels.
Generating quality, timely, disaggregated, geo-referenced data through census (within the 2020 Round of Censuses) and surveys and implement a Revised National Policy on Population for Sustainable Development that aligns with the ICPD “Unfinished Business & the 2030 Agenda” and a Roadmap on demographic dividend; support the active participation of young people in issues that concern them. Other cross-cutting interventions - include using part of the BHCPF to revive and strengthen the health sector, especially the Primary Health Care (PHC) system.
Investing in preparedness efforts aimed at increasing capacities on the importance of SRH and GBV in emergencies.
Government of North Macedonia commits to end sexual and gender based violence, including persons with disabilities and minorities, by 2030, through:
Ensuring multi-sectorial support throughout the country to survivors of SGBV, as per commitments of the Istanbul Convention for protecting women against violence and GBV ratified by the country.
Train and sensitize relevant professionals, o identify and provide care and support to survivors of SGBV.
Develop and implement male involvement targeted programs to combat violence against women.
Government of North Macedonia commits to maintain low HIV prevalence (up to 5%) among people at risk of HIV infection, including young people and key populations (men having sex with man, sex workers, transgender, injecting drug users), through:
1. Increasing national budget allocation for HIV prevention and treatment Ensuring that at least 50% of the national HIV budgets are allocated to Civil Society Organizations prevention activities (Recognizing civil society organizations as key partners in HIV prevention among key populations in national programs and budgets)
2. Development and implementation of innovative HIV programmes, including PrEP and PEP, HIV de-medicalization and HIV self-testing and increase financial investment for HIV prevention among men having sex with men as most vulnerable group to HIV
3. Ensure quality national procurement mechanisms for ARV drugs.
Government of North Macedonia commits to zero preventable maternal deaths and maintain low (less than 4) infant mortalityby 2025 through: Introduction of sound reporting and audit system for maternal mortality and morbidity per WHO standards, aimed at improving quality of maternal care; (BY 2025).
Reduce maternal mortality by 2025 through
1. Introducing effective perinatal care practices nationwide;
2. Develop legislative and implement policies that will ensure comprehensive antenatal health care coverage at primary healthcare level;
3. Develop legislative and implement policies that will ensure proper referral system to high health care levels throughout the country;
4. Develop legislative and implement policies that will ensure accessible, affordable, stigma and discrimination free and inclusive antenatal healthcare services at primary healthcare level and proper referral system, with focus on vulnerable and underserved group: Roma women, women from rural and remote areas, women with disabilities and women living in poverty.
Government of North Macedonia commits to provide comprehensive abortion care in line with international human rights treaties ratified by the country and WHO standards, by 2022, through: (MoH)
1. Ensuring access to medical abortion;
2. Updating Clinical protocol for Safe abortion and training materials for health professionals in accordance to WHO Technical guidelines Government of North Macedonia commits to zero preventable maternal deaths and maintain low (less than 4) infant mortalityby 2025, through: (MOH)
3. Introduction of sound reporting and audit system for maternal mortality and morbidity per WHO standards, aimed at improving quality of maternal care;
4. Introducing effective perinatal care practices nationwide;
5. Develop legislative and implement policies that will ensure comprehensive antenatal health care coverage at primary healthcare level and proper referral system to high health care levels throughout the country.
6. Develop legislative and implement policies that will ensure accessible, affordable, stigma and discrimination free and inclusive antenatal healthcare services at primary healthcare level and proper referral system, with focus on vulnerable and underserved group: Roma women, women from rural and remote areas, women with disabilities and women living in poverty.
Government of North Macedonia commits to ensure budget allocation for provision of essential SRH services that are part of the national preparedness and response during emergencies, through:
1. Ensuring that health commodities and supplies are procured through national budget during crisis situations, also include essential SRH materials, particularly dignity kits and contraceptives;
2. Investing in preparedness efforts aimed at increasing capacities on the importance of SRH and GBV in emergencies.
Government commits that national SRH programmes and budgets take into account the needs of most vulnerable and marginalized groups, including LGBTI people, Roma, people with disabilities, poor, sex workers, migrants, elderly, adolescents and young people (MoH)
1. Ensuring vulnerable and marginalized groups are inevitable part and used as experts by experience in national planning for SRH with targeted activities in order to increase access to essential SRH services and education
2. Train health professionals to deliver stigma free services for marginalized groups, including LGBTI people, Roma, people with disabilities, poor, sex workers, migrants, elderly, adolescents and young people
3. Commit to ensure SRH services are available, accessible, acceptable (affordable) and of high quality for all
4. Adding specific budget line for SRH services for vulnerable and marginalized groups in the national budget.
Government of North Macedonia commits to end sexual and gender based violence, including persons with disabilities and minorities, by 2030, through:
1. Ensuring multi-sectorial support throughout the country to survivors of SGBV, as per commitments of the Istanbul Convention for protecting women against violence and GBV ratified by the country
2. Train and sensitize relevant professionals, o identify and provide care and support to survivors of SGBV
3. Develop and implement male involvement targeted programs to combat violence against women.
Government of North Macedonia commits to reducing child marriages to ZERO, by 2030, through:
1. Harmonize Family Law in relation to the Criminal Code in order to explicitly ensure that the minimum age is 18 for a person to live in all forms of marital community,
2. Develop Protocol for coordinated action of all relevant Ministries on prevention, education, identification and sanction of child marriages,
3. Develop and implement campaigns that will sensitize public in the context of human rights in collaboration with CSOs,
4. Develop and implement trainings for service providers on legislative changes and needed actions on child marriages, specific and crossover to their responsibilities,
5. Create official data-base on the number of child marriages, track individual development and provide services for their care towards ensuring rights and well-being.
Government of North Macedonia commits to ensure utilizing elderly persons as important population structure in the context of population dynamics, by 2030, through:
1. Provision of services for elderly people
2. Enabling elderly persons inclusion in the development of the country (skills development).
Government of North Macedonia commits to introduce comprehensive sexuality education in line with the UN guidelines, as a subject of choice, by promoting acceptance of CSO in student of primary school to the maximum extent possible, and by promoting its benefits, through: implementation and further development of the national plan for inclusion of CSO in school curricula; allocation of separate budget line for the development of the national plans for primary education in North Macedonia, inclduing for the CSO as part of the national education program.
Norway commits to strong and continued efforts to protect and promote universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, both nationally and internationally. Norway will stand firm and defend established norms and universal rights. Norway commits to strengthen access to sexual and reproductive health services for the affected population in humanitarian response. Protection against SGBV is an important component of Norway’s humanitarian strategy. Norway will also commit itself to increasing the percentage of bilateral development assistance that has women’s rights and gender equality as a primary or significant goal from 33% to 50%.
Norway commits to strong and continued efforts to protect and promote universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, both nationally and internationally. Norway will stand firm and defend established norms and universal rights. Norway commits to strengthen access to sexual and reproductive health services for the affected population in humanitarian response. Protection against SGBV is an important component of Norway’s humanitarian strategy. Norway will also commit itself to increasing the percentage of bilateral development assistance that has women’s rights and gender equality as a primary or significant goal from 33% to 50%.