To strengthened referral systems in managing life-threatening obstetric emergencies with strong coordination and collaboration among health care providers, health facilities and empowering women and the community.
To increase designated budget allocation for Maternal and Reproductive Health, specifically investing in reproductive health commodity security, with functional electronic Logistic Management Information System (e-LMIS) nationwide.
To increase interpretation and utilization of disaggregated data from District Health Information System (DHIS 2) to inform decision making for better planning, implementation and evaluation to enhance EPMM strategy for Myanmar.
To strengthen responses to every maternal death reported through the maternal death surveillance and response (MDSR) System to avert further preventable maternal deaths.
To ensure responsive maternal and reproductive health services provided in humanitarian setting through multi-sectoral collaboration as part of the rapid response health cluster
Gender Equality
The national adolescent pregnancy rate is 19 per cent, with regional rates as high as 38.9 per cent. Commitment will be achieved by supporting programmes that address the needs of adolescents and youth, mainly
1. promoting access to youth-friendly SRH services through evidence-based result oriented interventions,
2. strengthening institutional capacity to deliver quality CSE,
3. fostering asset-building and employability and,
4. supporting adolescents and youth leadership and participation.
1. promoting access to youth-friendly SRH services through evidence-based result oriented interventions,
2. strengthening institutional capacity to deliver quality CSE,
3. fostering asset-building and employability and,
4. supporting adolescents and youth leadership and participation.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Nepal commits to ensuring that the basic humanitarian needs of affected populations, including for sexual and reproductive health care and gender based violence prevention and response, are addressed in humanitarian contexts, through the full integration of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) in all national and sub-national Disaster Risk Reduction Plans.
Nepal commits to harnessing the demographic dividend through investing in adolescents’ and youth’s education, employment opportunities and health care, including sexual and reproductive health information and services in order to drive economic growth and achieve the SDG targets by 2030.
Nepal commits to putting in place financing policies, instruments and structures to ensure full implementation of ICPD Programme of Action and SDGs including provision of essential health services of good quality to all, especially marginalized and vulnerable groups, to move closer to universal health coverage.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Nepal commits to achieving the SDG targets to attain gender equality, eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, and end child, early and forced marriage by 2030, with priority to enforcing the legislation and making the essential services package is available for all women and girls who have experienced violence, including services provided by health, social services, police and justice sectors.
Universal Health Coverage
Nepal commits to reducing maternal deaths to 70 per 100,000 live births and reducing maternal morbidity through integrating comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services as part of the universal health coverage basic health package, and ensuring that the proportion of births attended by skilled birth attendant increases to 90 percent by 2030, and the provision of legal abortion and post-abortion services that are safe, accessible, affordable and good quality. The basic health package will be provided free-of charge and other services beyond the basic health package will be offered at an affordable cost through targeted subsidies and various social protection and health insurance schemes for vulnerable populations.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Nepal commits to ensuring that marginalized groups, in particularly adolescents and youth, are able to exercise their reproductive rights through universal access to quality family planning services including modern contraception, the upscaling of adolescent friendly health services, and the full integration of comprehensive sexuality education, consistent with the evolving capacities and needs of young people, in the formal and non-formal education system, with the goal of reducing the adolescent birth rate to 30 per 1,000 women.
We commit to assisting women in the Netherlands who are in vulnerable situations, with tailor-made interventions addressing their specific questions, needs, barriers and possibilities regarding sexuality, contraceptives and having children.
On behalf of the Netherlands' Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport, we commit to further reducing unwanted and unplanned pregnancies in the Netherlands by:
1. Supporting comprehensive sexuality education tailor-made for different types of secondary education;
2. Starting a multimedia campaign on the types and use of contraceptives and the consequences of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
3. Setting up a 24/7 information desk where women and men can get all kinds of information on unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
4. Financing organizations that specialize in supporting women and men to make the right choices in their specific situations in case of unwanted and/or unplanned pregnancy.
1. Supporting comprehensive sexuality education tailor-made for different types of secondary education;
2. Starting a multimedia campaign on the types and use of contraceptives and the consequences of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
3. Setting up a 24/7 information desk where women and men can get all kinds of information on unplanned and unwanted pregnancies;
4. Financing organizations that specialize in supporting women and men to make the right choices in their specific situations in case of unwanted and/or unplanned pregnancy.
The Netherlands also commits to increasing the HPV vaccination coverage in the Netherlands, and thereby working to eliminate HPV and cervical and other HPV-related cancers. To this end, girls will be vaccinated from the age of 9, HPV vaccination for boys will be introduced, and it will become possible to catch up with HPV vaccination until the age of 26.
Gender Equality
ODA budget approximately 492 million euros for women’s rights, gender equality, SRHR and HIV/AIDS, including for advocacy by civil society organizations
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
On behalf of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Education and Emancipation, the Netherlands commits to revising the core education objectives regarding comprehensive sexuality education, in consultation with civil society, to ensure issues such as sexual development, sex and relationships and sexual and gender diversity are more consistently covered.
New Zealand
Gender Equality
New Zealand renews its commitment to: ensuring the contribution of women and girls is valued; ensuring all women and girls are financially secure and can fully participate and thrive in society; and ensuring all women and girls are free from all forms of violence and harassment.
New Zealand
Gender Equality
To achieve these objectives, New Zealand will continue its efforts to: increase the number of women in leadership; close the gender pay gap; achieve pay equity; and prevent and reduce family violence.
New Zealand
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Under New Zealand’s International Human Rights Action Plan, New Zealand is committed to active leadership to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. New Zealand will continue to support initiatives that: address gender-based discrimination and violence; improve access to sexual and reproductive health services; and increase representation of women in leadership positions.
New Zealand
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
New Zealand will continue to advocate for the global protection of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and support the work of organisations such as the UN Population Fund and the International Planned Parenthood Federation on these issues.
New Zealand
Gender Equality
New Zealand also renews its commitment to increase engagement in gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Pacific region. New Zealand’s development assistance includes: national programmes on addressing gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and economic empowerment in Fiji, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and Kiribati; and regional programmes supporting the collection of gender-based violence data, and women’s representation in politics, policing, and defence.
New Zealand
Gender Equality
New Zealand will continue to advocate for the participation of women and girls in peace processes and the protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls, particularly in fragile, conflict and post-conflict situations.
Gender Equality
1. Sensibiliser sur les avantages d'une famille réduite et la parenté responsable,
2. Faire la promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive,
3. promouvoir l'autonomisations des filles et femmes.
2. Faire la promotion de la santé sexuelle et reproductive,
3. promouvoir l'autonomisations des filles et femmes.
Nous nous engageons à travers les programmes et projets financé par le partenaires techniques et financier comme l'initiative illimin financer par l'UNFPA par exemple ,qui vise à retarder le mariage des enfants et prévenir les grossesses précoces en vue de réduire la mortalité maternelle.
L’approche du illimin est conçue pour aider les adolescentes vulnérables à accroître leur capacité de résilience et à renforcer leur autonomisation /
L’approche du illimin est conçue pour aider les adolescentes vulnérables à accroître leur capacité de résilience et à renforcer leur autonomisation /