
D’ici à 2025, garantir à au moins 150 000 adolescent(e)s et jeunes, l’accès aux informations appropriées et à des services intégrés de qualité adaptés à leurs besoins, pour les protéger contre les grossesses non désirées, les infections sexuellement transmissibles y compris l’infection à VIH/sida et de toutes les formes de violences basées sur le genre (VBG) à travers l’extension et le passage à l’échelle de l’expérience réussie du « New Deal» dans les 45 départements du Sénégal ;
D’ici à 2030, mettre fin à toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes et des filles et aux violences basées sur le genre notamment les mariages d’enfants, les Mutilations Génitales Féminines /Excision et autres pratiques néfastes en renforçant le cadre législatif et réglementaire visant l'élimination des VBG et l'offre de services de prévention et de prise en charge des victimes de VBG
D’ici à 2025, atteindre l'objectif de moins de 10% de besoins non satisfaits en matière de planification familiale par : la communication à grande échelle sur l’espacement des naissances avec des messages spécifiques et variés selon les groupes cibles, l’offre de services public et privé, des interventions à base communautaire avec l’élargissement de la délégation des tâches, l’amélioration continue du système de gestion des approvisionnements et des stocks pour une disponibilité en permanence des produits PF.
D’ici à 2025, atteindre l'objectif de zéro décès maternel évitable en intégrant un ensemble complet d'interventions de santé : Amélioration qualitative et quantitative de la surveillance prénatale par la mise en œuvre du paquet de prestations de la Consultation PréNatale défini dans les Politiques Normes protocoles, couverture des accouchements assistés par un personnel qualifié, fonctionnalité des 142 structures de réseaux SONU (Soins Obstétricaux et Néonatals d’Urgence), amélioration de la demande et de l’offre de services de Planification Familiale.
Government of Serbia commits to improving coordination of multisectoral approach in implementation of the Law on prevention of domestic violence and, in accordance with the National Program for safeguarding and improving sexual and reproductive health of Serbian citizens to developing counselling and all types of support (medical, psycho-social, legal and other necessary) for victims of sexual violence, including liaising with social protection, judiciary and security institutions. Government commits to changing the Family Law and to continue work with partners to prevent child marriages.
In order to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health as part of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), the government of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with National Program for safeguarding and improving sexual and reproductive health of Serbian citizens, commits to:
1. Enabling every person to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health by providing all people with accessible and reliable information, good quality health services
and capacity building of health professionals
2. Guaranteeing sexual and reproductive health protection for every person and respect of their sexual and reproductive rights without discrimination.
3. Enabling every person to obtain the highest possible standard of sexual and reproductive health care.
Zero unmet need for contraception is an important indicator for achieving SDG targets 3.7 and 5.6. In accordance with the National Program for safeguarding and improving sexual and reproductive health of Serbian citizens, the Government Serbia commits to reducing unmet need for family planning (from 14 % as observed in 2014) by 2030 by:
1. improving capacity of health professionals to implement clinical guidelines for family planning
2. addressing the myths and misconceptions on contraception methods among medical professionals and general public , and
3. providing counselling and prescribing contraception to all women and couples without exception, including persons from vulnerable groups.
Government Serbia commits to reducing pregnancy complications and further reducing preventable maternal deaths from 11 per 100.000 in 2017 to near zero in 2030, using pre-conception period, pregnancy period and breastfeeding period to achieve optimum health for women by:
1. providing counselling on healthy lifestyle,
2. improving quality of health care during pregnancy, during and after delivery and
3. implementing measures which will enable all women to avoid unplanned pregnancies, and to have good-quality health care after the abortion, including support in avoiding future unplanned pregnancies by timely use of efficient contraception.
Government commits to improving the provision of SRH services for marginalized populations, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, poor, people from rural communities, LGBTI, working together with CSO in order to
1. Remove existing physical, financial and communication barriers to accessing family planning and SRH services for marginalized populations; including stigma and discrimination
2. Implement targeted programs in order to increase access by these groups;
3. Gradually increasing budget allocated to promote SRH of vulnerable population in national budget.
In accordance with National Action Plan for the implementation of Gender Equality Strategy, measure 2.6.5, Republic of Serbia commits to improving the accessibility of health services to women with disabilities with the goal of preserving their reproductive health and supporting motherhood, while reducing prejudices in the society.
The Government of the Republic of Serbia comits to creating conditions for capacity building and synergy in the work of Youth policy subjects and inclusion of a large number of youth organizations, by
1. Enabling continuous funding of programs (at least 240 supported activities/projects by 2020) of youth organizations and contributing to the development of the society and the active participation of young people,
2. Supporting the active inclusion of young people from vulnerable groups in the work of youth organizations and associations (at least 12 associations supported by 2020).
Government of Serbia commits to reducing the number of new HIV infections by at least 75% by 2025 , through:
1. Early diagnosis of people infected with HIV; maintaining a low rate of STI incidence;
2. Increase in coverage of preventive services, especially regarding persons from key populations at risk, and improved quality of the provided services;
3. Creating conditions within state authorities and institutions, as well as civil society organizations, for highly efficient response to the needs of persons with risky behaviour for lowering this risk.
Government of Serbia commits to increasing number of people with diagnosed HIV infection who are treated and have a stable viral suppression, so that by 2025, more than 90% of people diagnosed with HIV infection are on ART, and more than 90% of people on ART have stable viral suppression, through:
1. Improving the health and quality of life of persons living with HIV;
2. Reduction of death from AIDS, as well as death from tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C among persosns living with HIV;
3. Creating conditions for early diagnostics of HIV infected persons resulting in successful treatment, including timely treatment of children born of HIV infected mothers;
4. Continued improvement of quality of provided health care at all levels;
5. Ensuring conditions for timely laboratory and other testing to monitor successfullness of antiretroviral therapy in persons living with HIV;
6. Ensuring that every person living with HIV in Serbia is provided with quality and timely peer support tailored to their needs.