
Implementación de estándares de calidad y certificación a establecimientos de salud que realizan la atención diferenciada a adolescentes a nivel país.
La norma de atención integral y diferenciada para adolescentes será actualizada con perspectiva de género.
Realizar capacitaciones continuas al personal medico para realizar una atención oportuna y efectiva a las mujeres embarazadas, para evitar muertes maternas que son prevenibles.
Incorporar indicadores de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de niñas y adolescentes en el SUS, y mejorar los registros de atención para generar evidencia disgregada por sexo y edad, que permita focalizar las intervenciones y la inversión de recursos priorizados en poblaciones indígenas, afrodescendientes, con discapacidad, LGBTIQ+ que viven en áreas rurales de niñas, niños y adolescentes, hasta el 2030.
Botswana commits to providing quality, timely and disaggregated data by expanding population and housing census and inter-censal surveys, integrated statistical, monitoring and evaluation systems, civil registration and vital statistics program by 20% in 2030.
Botswana will strengthen access to family planning information and services, including access to quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives through capacity building for Health care workers on integration of Family Planning services at all service delivery points from 350 to 1000 by 2030.
Botswana commits to reducing Gender Based Violence from 37% to 20% for women and from 21% to 10% for men through effective implementation of the National Strategy Towards Ending GBV by 2030.
Botswana commits to reduction of maternal deaths attributable to abortion, post-partum haemorrhage, and hypertensive disorder in pregnancy from 143.2/100 000 births to less than 70/100,000 through; capacity building and allocation of financial & human resources towards Maternal Health programme by 2030.