
Promover la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en al menos 30% de los sistemas de “BIG DATA” en el marco del Sistema Nacional de Información Estadística y Geográfica, para el 2030.
Impulsar la creación, diversificación, institucionalización y fortalecimiento de mecanismos de participación efectiva equitativa y sistemática de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en el diseño, ejecución y evaluación de las políticas públicas necesarias para la protección de todos sus derechos
Promover el avance de ICPD mediante el mecanismo de seguimiento de los estándares internacionales y regionales, intitulado Comité Nacional de implementación y Seguimiento al Consenso de Montevideo de Población y Desarrollo
Igualdad de género y derechos sexuales y reproductivos. 2. Educación sexual comprensiva o integral. 3. Sistemas de cuidado y envejecimiento. 4. Generación y análisis de datos.
Fortalecer el marco normativo en materia de población, migración, desplazamiento y registro de personas, armonizados con estándares internacionales
The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, is committed to accelerated implementation and funding of the ICPD Programme of Action and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Our double up efforts will include:
1. Use of evidence-informed and targeted policy engagement to inform national policy and programming decisions, planning, implementation and monitoring that lead to increased climate change resilience and sustainable development in FSM;
2. Evidence based analysis and update on population and development in the context of ICPD and SDGs in FSM Voluntary National Report for SDGs at the HLPF in July 2020;
3. Investments in timely and high quality population surveys such as MICS/DHS in 2020 and census completed by 2022 to ensure the right data is available at the right time to support national policy and programming decisions that address climate change and universal health coverage, and that lead to universal to access to SRHR, gender equality and the empowerment of young people to reach their potential.
The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia recognize that failure to provide access to SRHR particularly to youth and marginalized population in disaster prone remote islands of FSM, is a barrier to achieving the highest attainable sexual and reproductive health. We believe that reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) is essential in Universal Health Coverage, in particular, to ensure no one is left behind when it comes to access to healthcare, in normal times and in times of climate induced disasters and humanitarian situations. In keeping with our commitments to address climate change and SRHR as articulated in the SAMOA Pathway, the KAILA Declaration, the Moana Declaration, the FSM Strategic Development Plan, and the National Youth Policy, the Government of FSM will strengthen the access to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH), ensuring we move toward zero unmet need to family planning before 2030.
The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia is committed to making available family planning information and services, including a wide range of contraceptive methods for women, couples and young people in the context of Universal Health Coverage. This will be achieved this through strengthened access to quality integrated sexual and reproductive health services for women, couples, adolescents and youth. In particular, we will ensure health facilities offer at least 5 modern methods of contraceptives by 2022.
The Government of the Federated States of Micronesia is committed to bring about transformational change in the lives of women and young people, through the prevention of GBV. This will be achieved by:
1. Supporting the integration of reproductive rights and ending violence against women and girls in national policies;
2. Formulation of policy on Elimination of VAWG in the four states;
3. Health workers using the Standard Operating Procedures to provide quality of care to survivors of GBV by 2022.
Strengthen the programming of awareness-raising and education activities for young people, including those from marginalized regions, on sexual and reproductive health, well-being, gender-based violence, sustainable development goals, the promotion of peace and security and human rights.
Advocate for the access of young people and adolescents, including people with disabilities, to information and services related to sexual and reproductive health and to integrate comprehensive sex education into the curricula of the education system in Morocco.
Contribute to the development of innovative approaches, methods and tools for changing attitudes and risk behavior among young people and adolescents and promote the participation of young people in active life through the creation of spaces for dialogue, exchange and sharing of experiences.
The Mozambican Government, through the delegated competent authorities (Ministries of Gender and Social Affairs, Justice and Interior), commits to ensure that all cases of gender-based violence are duly reported and pursued by the competent authorities through the creation of an integrated inter-sectoral database by 2025.
The Mozambican Government commits to increase the participation of the youth in the economy and decision-making process by strengthening the institutional support mechanisms for youth associations. To that effect, it commits to expand: a) The percentage of youth associations with funding for the implementation of SRH programs (SSRAJ) and other development programs at local level from 30% in 2018 to 80% in 2030; b) The percentage of youth who participate in decision-making processes at national and local level from 25% in 2018 to 45% in 2030.
The Mozambican Government, through the delegated competent authorities (Ministries of Health, Education, Youth and Sport, Gender and Social Affairs) commits to continue its collaboration with the partners and the civil society in order to expand the access to modern contraception and family planning services at community level, addressing in particular the needs of out-of-school adolescent girls. The Government commits to expand the use of modern contraception amongst married girls aged 15-19 from 14% in 2015 to 16% in 2021, and amongst sexually active unmarried girls aged 15-19 from 44% in 2015 to 50% in 2021.
The Mozambican Government commits to ensure the achievement of universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, by distributing quality and safe long term modern contraceptive methods, information and education in all secondary schools. To that effect, the health and education sectors commit to expand the percentage of secondary and technical schools which provide a minimum reproductive health service package from 30% in 2019 to 100% in 2030.