
To ensure an effective supply chain systems by improving service delivery, management information system that provides reliable data, last mile distribution and tracking of RH commodities; family planning outreach and community-based distribution of modern family planning commodities; designing and implementing an integrated demand-generation strategy for maternal health and family planning; and capacity building of the ministry of health and other sectoral actors to deliver an integrated package of SRHR services for adolescents and youth using a multi-sectoral platform, the three access point model and innovation that improve access for young people; including support to advocacy for policy change.
1. Garantir un système de santé efficace et accessible à tous pour atteindre l’objectif zéro décès maternel évitable et zéro besoin non satisfait à travers;
2. Le renforcement de capacités des prestataires de services, des plateaux techniques des FS en SR et PF, la disponibilité des produits contraceptifs;
3. La vulgarisation et l’application de la loi sur la SR et la PF à tous les niveaux;
4. La mise en place des cliniques mobiles.
1. Exploiter le dividende démographique en investissant dans la jeunesse, assurer leur implication dans les décisions les concernant.
2. Rendre accessibles à tous les jeunes les informations, les services adaptés à leurs besoins et les produits contraceptifs pour leur protection aux grossesses non désirées et aux IST/VIH;
3. Adapter le programme d’éducation sexuelle complète pour les jeunes;
4. Accélérer la création d'emplois et valoriser les populations sans discrimination.
1. Intensifier les actions de prévention et de prise en charge des victimes pour l’élimination des violences basées sur le genre y compris les mariages d’enfants à travers;
2. L’adoption et l’application de la loi spécifique sur les VBG
3. Le renforcement des capacités de résilience des survivantes de VBG pour leur réinsertion sociale;
4. L’adoption d’une approche holistique à l’assistance des victimes de VBG.
1. Augmenter le financement des programmes de santé sexuelle et reproductive et ainsi combler les lacunes financières,
2. Augmenter de façon conséquente et pérenne le budget de la Santé et pour la PF, l’achat et la distribution des contraceptifs jusqu’au niveau des bénéficiaires finaux,
3. Faire des plaidoyers et de mobilisation des ressources, notamment auprès du secteur privé et Société civile,
4. Renforcer le mécanisme favorisant l’application des mesures de détaxation des produits contraceptifs et médicaments,
The Government of Malawi commits to reduce the unmet need of married women and unmarried adolescent girls (15-19 age group) for family planning and sexual and reproductive health services from 19% and 22% in 2016 to 11% and 12% respectively by 2030 by scaling up sexual and reproductive health service provision and ensuring 100% availability of affordable family planning services, commodities and life-saving drugs support and advisory services for communities and contraceptives.
In 2014, 13% of young people accessed youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services.This will be increased to 100% by 2030. Youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services and rights including HIV and AIDS will be scaled up from pilot districts to providing leadership training and comprehensive age appropriate sexuality education and contraceptives counselling.
The Government of Malawi will end child marriage and delay first pregnancy among girls (10-19 years) by 2030. It will reduce the number of women that were married before 18 years of age from 47% in 2016 to zero in 2030, effectively reinforcing laws, coordinating policy making, promoting national prevention awareness and advocacy campaigns as part of a wider programme to target all forms of violence against women, girls and boys.
The Government of Malawi commits to continue to lower the maternal mortality rate from 439 per 100,000 live births in 2016 to a maternal mortality ratio of 70 per 100,000 live births by 2030. The Government will finalize a comprehensive legal framework for sexual and reproductive health and rights, build increased capacity of nurses and midwives, gynaecologists and other critical para-medicals, widening access to new long acting reversible contraceptives for adolescents and the development of a universal health insurance framework will increase the sexual and health access of the most vulnerable by 2030.
The Government of Malawi by 2030 commits to a 100% fully digitalized population data collection system supporting the regular production of disaggregated data and high quality analysis. Schemes to support data literacy in communities assisting improve localized and participatory development decisions will be rolled out across all districts.
The National Policy on Reproductive Health and Social Education 2009 will be updated with a new set of plan of actions by not later than 2021. The new plan of actions will further increase the effectiveness of comprehensive and age-appropriate Sexual and Reproduction Health Education in formal and informal education mechanisms. A national committee is being mobilised with participation from various agencies and NGOs to monitor its implementation.
Strengthen the legislative, regulatory, institutional framework and the human resource capacity to facilitate effective environmental protection and sustainable practices through the following actions:
1. By 2020, Integrate environmental protection and biodiversity conservation with the guidelines, regulations and compliance documents on land
use planning, local developments planning, building and all infrastructure development projects,
2. Develop regulatory framework for designating green areas in reclaimed land and islands, to improve quality of life, and as a climate change mitigation and adaptation measure.
Increase employment prospects for young people and support young people to develop leadership and advocacy skills that assist them to be actively involved in national development though the following actions:
1. By 2023, skills programmes offered by TVET are streamlined to meet the needs of industries and support economic diversification,
2. By 2023, young male and female representation is achieved in at least 6 government decision making bodies and in at least 5 parliamentary
3. Establish a mechanism to collect sex disaggregated employment data from tourist resorts, guesthouses and other tourism related establishments, suppliers, agents and similar entities engaged in the tourism sector.
Ensure high quality of TVET programmes and curricula focusing on both work-related skills and soft skills through research and innovation through the following actions:
1. By 2022, TVET curriculum revised in line with international industry benchmarks,
2. By 2021, e-platform is functional and up to date with student data,
3. By 2023, 5 state-of-the-art TVET training institutions established in 5 Regional Urban Centres (RUCs).
Strengthen Higher Education financing mechanisms to ensure greater accessibility to quality Higher Education for all through the following actions:
1. By 2023, at least 25,000 students given opportunity to study under the free first-degree scheme,
2. By 2023, at least 1000 students awarded HE scholarships,
3. By 2023, at least 2500 students receive loan to pursue HE abroad and in Maldives,
4. By 2021, loan administration fee reduced to 1%,
5. By 2023, 500 vulnerable youth received higher education scholarships and/or loans,
6. By 2021, all HE data collected, managed and compiled via a Higher Education Management Information System (HEMIS).
Strengthen reproductive health policies and programmes to address ASRH, RH cancers, and better access to reproductive health commodities through the following actions:
1. Provide age and gender appropriate reproductive health services to adolescents and young people including migrant workers on a continuous basis,
2. Conduct regular training programmes at health facilities to implement Reproductive, Maternal, New born, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH),
3. Provide easy access to reproductive health commodities and technologies through health facilities, NGOs.