
Access for all adolescents and youth, especially girls, to comprehensive and age-responsive information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make free and informed decisions and choices about their sexuality and reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, all forms of sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, to facilitate a safe transition into adulthood.
1. Zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices, including zero child, early and forced marriage, as well as zero female genital mutilation,
2. Elimination of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls, in order to realize all individuals’ full socio-economic potential.
Scale up GBV prevention, response and management by:
1. establishing a local forensic unit,
2. rolling out the one-stop centre initiative to cover the whole country
3. improving frontline response initiatives
4. strengthening the legal framework including the 2018 Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act and National Guidelines to End GBV in order to ensure that all affected individuals receive integrated and quality services by 2025.
Scale up comprehensive, quality and integrated health services taking advantage of the 4th ICT generation, with a focus on HIV prevention & prevention of teenage pregnancy as well as maternal health promotive strategies by 2030.
1. Scale up innovative HIV, Sexual Reproductive & Health Rights, and Gender-Based Violence initiatives especially for adolescents and young people
2. Deliver quality health services, in particular maternal and neonatal care services at all levels of care,
3. Strengthen the capacity of schools of nursing and midwifery to graduate competent front-line health care workers to deliver quality health services,
4. Improve the supply-chain management for health commodities including reproductive health commodities in both public and private health facilities, with much focus on lifesaving maternal and newborn commodities.
Establishing a national internship programme within government the private sector and among development partners, full roll out of the vocational & life skills training, promoting youth participation across all levels and extending the free education initiative with a particular focus on the groups that are left behind such as young people with disabilities, strengthening leadership of young people in decision making positions across all levels and operationalizing the National Education Sector Policy to ensure that teenage mothers are able to complete their education by 2030.
Improve investments in young people to capitalize on the demographic dividend by; increasing budgetary allocation towards programmes for young people,
Mobilize the required financing to finish the ICPD Programme of Action and sustain the gains already made by packaging some activities into projects that can be considered to secure funding from national and international sources to improve the quality of life of the younger population, skills development and strengthening institutions responsible for the implementation ICPD programme of action by 2025. Strengthen the capacity of planners to integrate population issues into sectoral development plans that inform budgeting by 2025.
Improve the supply-chain management for health commodities including reproductive health commodities in both public and private health facilities, with much focus on lifesaving maternal and newborn commodities.
Strengthen national data systems including the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics so as to meet the needs of the Strategy for Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth as well as Agenda 2030. Review the 1967 Statistics Act by 2030.
Finland will strive to improve the universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives, particularly for adolescents and youth under 25 years, as part of the UHC. [In order to do so], Finland commits itself in carrying out a national experiment on free contraceptives to everyone under the age of 25 and examining if this could be made a permanent practice after 2023. The experiment will provide necessary data and evidence for decision making at national and municipal level.
Finland has committed to the prevention and elimination of gender based violence against women through the three P’s – Prevention, Protection and Prosecution– as set out in the Beijing Platform for Action and the European Council Istanbul Convention. Finland will renew its commitment to address violence against women by pursuing to further develop and enhance the range of services offered at the support centres for victims of sexual violence (SERI) so that their availability across Finland will be improved.
Celle-ci recommande la révision des politiques et lois en faveur de l’accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive pour adolescents, mais également par l’augmentation d’ici 2030 du nombre de points de prestation de service offrant au moins 3 méthodes de planification familiale.
Tirer parti de la diversité démographique pour stimuler la croissance économique et parvenir à un développement durable Promouvoir la participation des jeunes dans l’optique d’un développement durable, notamment en restructurant le conseil national de la jeunesse ; Soutenir la créativité et le caractère innovants des jeunes par l’amplification des programmes d’incubation.
Mettre fin à la violence sexiste et aux pratiques néfastes Poursuivre la révision des textes de lois en vue d’éliminer les discriminations contenues dans les textes législatifs tels que le Code civil, le Code pénal et le Code du travail
Organiser de façon permanente des campagnes de sensibilisation pour un retour aux valeurs fondamentales de la famille et au respect de l’intégrité de l’autre.
Défendre le droit aux soins de santé sexuelle et reproductive, même dans des contextes humanitaires et fragiles. Généraliser l’Education Complète à la Sexualité (ECS) dans le système éducatif par la formation des encadreurs pédagogiques et la révision des curricula de formation initiale et continue. Renforcer les capacités des travailleurs sociaux exerçant dans les établissements scolaires.
Zero gender based violence and harmful traditional practices:
1. Repealing all legislation that discriminate against women, girls and youth in all spheres of life including sexual and reproductive health, economic activities and education by 2030.
2. Strengthening the legal system by building capacities of judges, magistrates and law enforcement agencies to properly manage, adjudicate and enforce laws that prohibit all forms of gender-based violence as well as child marriage by 2023.
Accelerating efforts to realizing zero preventable maternal death:
1. We commit to revitalise the Primary Health Care (PHC) system by building, reorienting and realigning the health system towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2025
2. We commit to train and deploy 500 midwives to service delivery points by 2025
3. We commit to strengthen all health facilities to provide Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (BEmONC) and 6 health facilities to provide quality Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEmONC) services by 2023.
4. We commit to increase the proportion of births attended by skilled attendants from 57% to 80% by 2022 through a rigorous community-based campaign to increase the uptake SRH services
5. We commit to the provision of basic lifesaving equipment, supply services, medicines to all health facilities for maternal and new-born services by 2025
Zero Unmet Need for Family Planning:
1. We commit to conduct 14 Orientation meetings targeting 48 Parliamentarians, 160 Ward Councillors, 5 Area Council Chairpersons, 2 Mayors, 700 Religious and Community Leaders towards ensuring a multi-sectoral approach and involvement of various stakeholders to mainstream Family Planning in all sectors by 2023.
2. We commit to train and commission 1750 (350 per year) Community Based Service Providers to increase the uptake and access to Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health services to all who need it including displaced persons, adolescents, sexually active unmarried couples, out of school youths, commercial sex workers and other vulnerable groups (disable and mentally ill persons) by 2025.
3. We commit to train 500 (100 per year) Clinical Service Providers to provide long term contraceptive methods in all level of health care delivery system by 2024.
4. We commit to attain uninterrupted supply of contraceptives at all levels of service delivery by reducing proportion of facilities with no Family Planning commodity stock out from 17% to 0% by 2021.
5. We commit to support operational research on the introduction of new contraceptive methods applicable for use.
6.We commit to strengthen advocacy, communication and behavioral change to increase uptake of FP/SRH services in all the regions by end 2024 targeting men.
We commit to strengthen the National Statistics System by providing funding to implement the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics which will ensure the regular and timely conduct of decennial population and housing census and scheduled demographic and health surveys for the provision of regular updates to key national development indicators and to monitor progress towards set ICPD related targets.