Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Turkmenistan works to adopt a law on promoting family well-being and preventing domestic violence by 2021.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
In line with the ongoing work to prevent domestic violence, standard operating procedures are being developed for health, law enforcement and social services professionals to coordinate and provide assistance to women victims of violence, taking into account human rights principles.
Turkmenistan will harness the demographic dividend through investing in adolescents’ and youth’s education, employment opportunities and health, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health and services. The assessment of the situation on youth was conducted by United Nations agencies together with the national partners, which covers all areas identified in the State Program for the implementation of the Youth Policy Law. Upon completion of this program, Turkmenistan plans to develop new evidence-based State Program.
Turkmenistan draws on demographic diversity to drive economic growth and achieve sustainable development through providing quality, timely and disaggregated data. In particular, the work is ongoing in the country to hold the Population and Housing Census in 2022 in line with the international standards to inform the evidence-based population policies and the progress towards the SDGs. Turkmenistan developed and is implementing the National strategy for the development of the health information system for 2019-2025, which takes into account the development and use of digital technologies, strengthening the regulatory framework of the information system, providing quality data and developing a harmonious information space to meet the information needs of users.
Gender Equality
Turkmenistan is working on the development of the next multi-sectoral National Action Plan on Gender Equality in Turkmenistan. In anticipation of the development of the Plan, an assessment of the current plan has been initiated to identify mechanisms and factors contributing to success, as well as gaps and areas for further improvement of action to ensure equal rights and opportunities for all women and men, girls and boys. Special attention is paid to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 5 targets, as well as the introduction of gender approaches in the implementation of the remaining Sustainable Development Goals.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
[Turkmenistan strives to expand access for adolescents and youth to] adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services. In particular:
The country considers reviewing the legislation to define the age of adolescent to align it with World Health Organization adolescent definition.
The country considers reviewing the legislation to define the age of adolescent to align it with World Health Organization adolescent definition.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
The issues of reproductive health and rights and gender equality are already included in the curriculum of the secondary school subject Basics of Lifeskills. Turkmenistan further intends to strengthen the quality of teaching the subject through training at least 50 percent of the teachers of the subject by 2025.
Universal Health Coverage
We re-commit to continue promoting Universal Access to all methods of Family Planning and to reduce the unmet need for family planning from 28% to 10% by 2022. Specifically, the Government of Uganda re-affirms the commitments that we made at the Family Planning Summit in London in July 2017 to increase financial support towards reproductive health and family planning supplies and commodities to the last mile.
Noting that Uganda is one of the youngest countries in the world, we commit to annually allocate at least 10% of our maternal and child health resources to adolescent-friendly reproductive health services.
Gender Equality
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Uganda stands firm on eliminating obstacles that stand in the way of girls’ empowerment including teenage pregnancy and child marriage, as well as all forms of Gender Based Violence. We continue to embark on educational reforms aimed at ensuring that girls enrol and stay in school, as well as scale-up investments in technical and vocational education to create employable skills and competencies relevant to the labour market.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
We will operationalize the National Sexuality Education Policy Framework that we launched in 2018 to provide a formal national direction for sexuality education within Uganda’s schools. We will do this while upholding the positive cultural and religious values of our country.
Human Capital Development is a key objective of Uganda’s National Development Plans. Our new National Development Plan III focuses on Sustainable Industrialization for Inclusive Growth, Employment and Wealth Creation in order to leave no one behind. We have created an Innovation Fund that targets investments in youth education, skilling and job creation opportunities. We will ensure that different dimensions of our demographic dynamics and diversity are integrated in planning and budgeting frameworks at all levels across the country.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Implement coordinated policies for a systematic response to violence so that each case appropriately addressed by responsible institutions and/or service provider.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Establish holistic system of quality and accessible survivor cantered services, including legal protection, social and psychological, health care support and rehabilitation, taking into account the special needs of persons with disabilities, pregnant women, the elderly, children and disabled persons, IDPs.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
National policy on violence response and prevention are:
1. Ensure the sustainability of funding sources for the system of prevention and response to violence,
2. To establish a system of professional training of service providers of all levels,
3. Guarantee full access for survivors to the protection of law enforcement services and justice, as well as free legal aid,
4. Ensure the inevitability of bringing the perpetrator to justice according to the national legislation provisions,
5. To create a zero-tolerance in society for any manifestation of gender-based violence in the private and public spheres, overcoming widespread gender stereotypes,
6. Ensure that citizens perceive violence as a violation of human rights, are prepared to counteract it and to be are aware of the possibilities of helping the survivor and bringing the perpetrator to justice.
1. Ensure the sustainability of funding sources for the system of prevention and response to violence,
2. To establish a system of professional training of service providers of all levels,
3. Guarantee full access for survivors to the protection of law enforcement services and justice, as well as free legal aid,
4. Ensure the inevitability of bringing the perpetrator to justice according to the national legislation provisions,
5. To create a zero-tolerance in society for any manifestation of gender-based violence in the private and public spheres, overcoming widespread gender stereotypes,
6. Ensure that citizens perceive violence as a violation of human rights, are prepared to counteract it and to be are aware of the possibilities of helping the survivor and bringing the perpetrator to justice.
Nuestro compromiso se centra en asegurar la implementación del Consenso de Montevideo y su Guía Operacional, en su totalidad, sin dejar a nadie atrás atendiendo todas las dimensiones de la injusticia y la desigualdad que caracterizan los problemas de la región.
Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Gender Equality
Proteger y garantizar las condiciones para el ejercicio pleno de los derechos humanos, con especial atención en los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, asegurar programas de educación integral para la sexualidad, garantizar la cobertura universal de servicios de calidad de salud y salud sexual y reproductiva, incluido el acceso al aborto seguro, con perspectiva de equidad de género y de generaciones.
Gender Equality
Tenemos importantes lecciones aprendidas en el la articulación entre los diversos actores comprometidos con esta agenda, y destacamos la relevancia de la Sociedad Civil en los avances logrados impulsando los derechos de amplios sectores de la población como a las mujeres, la población LGTBI, afrodescendientes, pueblos originarios, personas con discapacidad y a niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en todas sus diversidades. Defender estos logros y evitar retrocesos es un compromiso ético irrenunciable.
Universal Health Coverage
The Government of Uzbekistan adopted the Law on the Protection of Reproductive Health of Citizens in 2019. The country is committed to fully integrate sexual and reproductive health services to the universal health coverage ensuring that no one is left behind. Also, age appropriate comprehensive healthy life-style education in schools will be introduced to enable adolescents to make informed choices about their reproductive lives, to adequately protect themselves from unintended pregnancies, gender-based violence, and HIV.
Sexual and Gender Based Violence
The Law on the Protection of Women from Violence and Harassment was adopted in 2019. To implement this law, the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan will develop and implement the National Gender Strategy 2030 with strong parliamentary oversight. The Government strives to achieve zero violence against women. For this as a measure of prevention and response to gender-based violence the Government will allocate state financing to service providers (shelters, hotlines) to victims of violence, and training on gender equality will be conducted to all government staff, including law enforcement agencies' staff, as well as in schools to instill respect to the rights of all citizens.
State funding will also be allocated for the modernization of the National Statistical System to ensure availability, accessibility and quality of data on gender-based violence.
State funding will also be allocated for the modernization of the National Statistical System to ensure availability, accessibility and quality of data on gender-based violence.
The well-being of people and the prosperity of the country depend on the uniform development of the country, and in this context, Uzbekistan has to deal with the consequences of the Aral Sea crisis, one of the largest environmental catastrophes in the human history. The drying of the fourth largest inland lake in the world - the Aral Sea set off large-scale human, environmental, socio-economic and demographic crisis, which continues to intensify. Uzbekistan is investing and will continue efforts, including within the framework of the Multi-Partner Trust Fund for Human Security for the Aral Sea region, in addressing environmental, health, social and economic challenges people of the region face every day.
To further improve statistics, and to collect and publish quality data, Uzbekistan will conduct census in 2022, its first since gaining independence. Uzbekistan is committed to open data, including publication of census results to ensure its effective use in developing demographic, socio-economic forecasts, identifying the most vulnerable groups of the population and develop policies to support them.
The national Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the Government of Uzbekistan in 2018 envision the goal to reduce by 2030 maternal mortality ratio by one third from its baseline level by continuing to invest in modernization of health facilities and training of staff, and institutionalization of maternal death audits at all levels of perinatal service. The Government will also introduce costed cervical and breast cancer control and prevention program to reduce preventable mortality and morbidity among women.
To further strengthen reproductive health and rights of citizens as envisioned in the Health Sector Reform Strategy adopted in 2018, the Government of Uzbekistan commits to increase contraceptive prevalence rate among women aged 15-49 from 47,4% in 2017 to 55% in 2025. The Government also commits to increase funding to expand the list of contraceptive methods and ensure male involvement in family planning.
Over the past 25 years, Viet Nam has made considerable achievement in implementing ICPD’s priorities. To complete the unfinished business of the ICPD agenda and achieve ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs) by 2030, we commit to] intensify our efforts for the effective implementation to ensure the zero unmet need for family planning information and services.