
In accordance with the Strategy for birth promotion, the Government Serbia commits to improving access for adolescents and youth to comprehensive and age-appropriate information, education and adolescent-friendly services by
1. Exploring possibilities for introducing education on sexual and reproductive health in schools and improving or re-establishing counselling services for the protection of sexual and reproductive health of adolescents in municipalities, gradually, starting from 2018
2. In accordance with the specific goal 1of the National Youth Strategy (2015-2025), Government of Serbia will continue supporting programs whose primary goal is the advancement of reproductive health for youth and family planning, until 2025.
As planned in Action Plan for the implementation of National Youth Strategy, for strategic goal 4: Improved health and well-being of young women and men, and expected results 4.1.3 and 4.1.1: at least 6 000 young women and men will be educated in peer youth education programs and programs for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS and reproductive health advancement, including family planning until 2020, and it will be continued, while at least one program for health promotion and three programs for prevention of risky behavior of young people will be developed by 2020.
By 2023 Guarantee Universal Sexual Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights We commit to:
1. Promote health in all its approaches. Its main priority is to take AIDS out of isolation through people-centered systems.
2. Strive for zero preventable maternal, neonatal and child deaths by intensifying delivery services, antenatal care and post-natal services in all heath centers.
3. Ensure zero unmet need for family planning information and services, and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives.
4. Integrate a comprehensive package of sexual and reproductive health interventions into national policies.
Ensure demographic diversity and Social Development We commit to ensure that older people are empowered to age actively and healthily with equal rights in society, by:
1. Reviewing the policies governing the Home-Care Scheme.
2. Setting in place the mechanism to ensure greater protection for the pensioners.
3. Establishing a National Framework for action on Healthy Ageing.
4. Holding public consultations on options to increase the retirement age and rate of contribution
5.Developing comprehensive programs for elderly care.
Fight against gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls We commit to continue working to end all forms of discrimination through:
1. Reviewing, amending and or repealing all discriminatory laws;
2. Conducting trainings for judiciary, prosecutors and law enforcement officers on gender-based violence;
3. Conducting a comprehensive review of education, training policies, and programs to identify gender stereotyping.
Zero Unmet Need The Government of Sierra Leone commits to the overall goal of zero unmet need for family planning services by 2030. Specifically, the Government of Sierra Leone commits to:
1. Allocate at least of 1% of the health budget for Family Planning by 2022;
2. Increase the number of adolescents reached with modern contraceptive methods per year from 47,769 (2018) to 93,088 by 2025;
3. Raise the contraceptive prevalence rate (for women aged 15−49 currently married or in a union who are using a modern or traditional contraceptive method) from 22.5 per cent in 2017 to 50 per cent by 2028.
Zero preventable maternal deaths The Government of Sierra Leone commits to the overall goal of zero preventable maternal deaths by 2030. Specifically, the Government of Sierra Leone commits to
1. Train and employ 1000 midwives, 180 nurse anaesthetists, 72 surgical assistants by 2025.
2. Reduce maternal mortality from 1,165 per 100,000 live births by 50% in 2028.
Zero Gender Based Violence The Government of Sierra Leone commits to the overall goal of zero Gender Based Violence and harmful practices by 2030. Specifically, the Government of Sierra Leone commits to: Enact the Prohibition of Child Marriage Bill in Sierra Leone which will criminalize child marriage for all types of marriages by the end of 2020
Slovenia commits to the overall goal of eliminating violence against women and girls by adopting Resolution on the National Programme on Preventing Domestic Violence and Violence Against Women 2020–2025. The key changes to be achieved by realising the objectives and associated measures with implementing the resolution are:
1. High-quality, diverse and widely available programmes of assistance and protection for victims of domestic violence and female victims of violence;
2. Improved protection, treatment and position of victims of this type of violence;
3. Highly competent professionals and experts who deal with the problems of domestic violence and violence against women in their work;
4. Greater awareness among the society of these problems and closer proximity to the level of zero tolerance for this type of violence;
5. Improved regulations in the area of preventing domestic violence and violence against women;
6. High-quality data on domestic violence and violence against women; and
7. Improved organisation of the area of preventing domestic violence and violence against women.
Slovenia commits to adopt by the end of 2021 Guidelines on the promotion of gender equality through development cooperation and humanitarian aid, fully consistent with the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. Within the Guidelines, special attention will be paid to promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights as one of the main gender equality and health objectives of development activities. To this effect, Slovenia will take adequate measures to ensure the implementation of the commitments, and strengthening the activities, such as awareness raising, learning, building capacity, and communication, in the addressing SRHR through development projects. Furthermore, the guidelines will also elaborate on particular actions connected with humanitarian responses that must ensure that basic needs and rights of affected population, including their SRHR needs, are, wherever appropriate, included as integral components of responses to humanitarians and environmental crisis.
The Government of the Solomon Islands reaffirms its commitment to the International Conference on Population and Development of the 1994 Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. We will double up efforts to achieve the policy goals and strategic actions in the Solomon Islands National Population Policy 2017-2026, to fully and effectively implement the unfinished business of the ICPD in the Solomon Islands, and strive toward the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The Government of the Solomon Islands is committed to achieving zero unmet need for family planning information and services and universal availability of quality, affordable and safe modern contraceptives by no later than 2030; in line with SDG target 3.7 and SDG target 5.6. Specifically, we will accelerate all efforts to achieve the Solomon Islands Population Policy Goal 1 which states " Fertility and unintended pregnancy, particularly among adolescent girls significantly reduced", through:
1. Improved access to sexual and reproductive health service including family planning;
1.2 Improved access to reproductive health services for adolescents and youth;
1.3. Integration of health and family life education in the school curriculum. we would have averted 11,430 unintended pregnancies by 2020 as per the Transformative Agenda target.
The Government of Solomon Islands is committed to progressing toward zero preventable maternal deaths by no later than 2030, in line with SDG 3.7 and SDG 5.6. in particular, we will accelerate the Solomon Islands Population Policy Goal 2, which states that " Infant, child and maternal mortality reduced", through:
1.2 Improve awareness and educational resources on maternal health;
2.2. Assess accessibility of health facilities in rural and remote areas, particularly for emergency obstetric care;
2.3 Address overcrowding in maternal facilities;
2.4. Improve data collection on births and deaths; and
2.5 Immunization programme strengthened. We will increase the number of supervised delivery by trained skilled birth attendants from 85% to 95 % by 2022, ensure access tobasic and comprehensive obstetric care through quality services and referrals systems and increase ante-natal and post-natal coverage by 2020.
We will establish a national system for the maternal and perinatal Death Surveillance and response by 2022.
The Government of the Solomon Islands is concerned with the unacceptably high prevalence of unintended teenage pregnancies at 77 per 1,000 women women 15-19 years. We are committed to ensuring access for adolescents and youth including those with disabilities to appropriate information, education and adolescent-friendly comprehensive, quality and timely services to be able to make informed choices about their sexuality and reproductive matters that protect them from unintended pregnancies, gender based violence & STIs, as per SDG target 3.7 and SDG target 5.6.
More specifically, we will accelerate all efforts to achieve the Solomon Islands Population Policy Goal 2. Target to ensure that " Adolescent Fertility rate declines to 50 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 by 2022", and 44 births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 by 2025 as per global average. We will formulate a National Adolescent and Youth SRH Strategy aligned with international standards and guidelines by 2020, as per Transformative Agenda target, and we will support its full implementation by 2022.
The Government of the Solomon Islands is committed to progressing towards Zero Sexual and Gender Based Violence, in particular, we will intensify all efforts to achieve the Gender Equality and Women's Development Policy (GEWD 2016-2020), Policy Outcome 4 by " Preventing and responding to Violence against Women and Girls" Specially, we will strengthen the SAFENET referral system for women and girls experiencing experiencing violence and ensure quality services for survivors in all provinces, including for those with disabilities.
The Government of the Solomon Islands is committed to harnessing the power of the demographic dividend through strategic investments in education, health and well being of adolescent and youth, including family planning and sexual and reproductive health information and services; and in employment opportunities for young people. we will intensify all efforts to achieve the Solomon Islands Population Policy Goal 3 which is " Employment and other opportunities for rural and urban youths'', in particular to ensure that the targets of unemployment and under employment of youth is reduced by 50% by 2026 are achieved
The Somali Government commits to reducing the overall maternal mortality rate across the country by no less than 25% by 2030 through the training and employment of 1,000 additional midwives by 2030. In addition, the government commits to mobilize communities to raise awareness of birth spacing and how this contributes to reducing maternal mortality. Ultimately, the Government will strive for zero preventable maternal deaths in Somalia.
In line with the Somali Women's Charter, the Somali Government commits to zero tolerance for gender-based violence (GBV) and female genital mutilation (FGM) by addressing vulnerability factors and through strengthening policy and legal frameworks, such as the Sexual Offences Bill (SOB) and FGM elimination policies.
The Somali Government commits to establish a National Population Council and integrate comprehensive interventions on GBV prevention into the national strategies, policies and programs and train at least 500 law enforcement officers to help the government achieve its target of eradicating all forms of discrimination against women and girls. The Somali Government commits to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in order to fulfill, protect and respect women's human rights, including eliminating discrimination that is being perpetrated by public and private individuals and organizations.
Promote the integration of migration and urbanization into development planning. (With focus on Integrated Development Planning at local level.) Develop and implement awareness strategies to improve knowledge, attitudes and perceptions about migration and urbanisation. Promote the review of Policies and Guidelines to be explicit about the inclusion of migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees as human right. A Forum on migration and urbanisation that addresses data gaps and assess key migration trends that encourages collaboration between relevant stakeholders at all levels in the country.